Διόρθωση της διαφοράς Χρόνου με ms. στο αρχείο editor.min.js και synchronizer.min.js(Αγνόησε τα ms στον έλεγχο)
Changeset 1071
August 2, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Bug Fix: Settings controller bug. Preventing creation of new institution
SettingsContoller: add code for creation of messages collection under institution collection
Changeset 1070
July 20, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
OnLoad detect old Database and Upgrade to new schema of Institution
SettingsContoller: Check if an Institution xml already exists in institutions collection. Produce error if true.
Changeset 1068
July 18, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Bug Fix: Insert Creator as Speaker in Create New Resource
Changeset 1067
July 14, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Re-Programme e-Class API to ignore Referrer host.
Changeset 1066
July 11, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Resource Editor now returns only Active Events in dropdown lists for new resource or scheduled item ( plus active event if editing resource/scheduled Item)
Added field 'Active' in Event object
setPresentationButton: Show PresentationButton if slides have been uploaded, even if Presentation Broadcast is not selected
Bug Fix: Dummy erase of set fields was leaving periodId, typedId in calendar.form undefined/disabled
Bug Fix: ACtion bar in slides in Presentation Tab loose position on small windows
Update Index Files
Update SettingsController to include index files for Events
Changeset 1053
July 03, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Remove Text Fields from Videolectures-Events-Users-Presentations
Updates with minor fixes. Wowza Library
Create a different log file ("schedulerLogger") for Live events log
Made VideoLectures updates on Event change faster and more efficient. Dialog "please wait" added
Bug Fix: in DlmPresentationDAOImpl - Catch npe which prevented aspect,duration, realduration from read from VOD Entry
Επαναδημιουργία σελίδας διαβάσματος αρχείων καταγραφής με επιλογή για default και scheduler log file
Fix Logback configuration and RollingPolicy
Bug Fix: irmQueries -> update uId to new schema in Course & StaffMember
Remove Live+Presentation entry when stopping an illegal stream...
Changeset 982 (981-982)
May 18, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Bug Videolecture.rights on recorded items
SchedulerDAOIMPL: Clearer logging. Messages
liveresources: Broadcast icon Change
Changeset 980 (979-980)
May 16, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Clearer Error Messages
WowzaServer.class: Catch exception when app does not exists.
wowza.sample added
delos.sample updates
Changeset 974
May 4, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Scheduler: Backup Videos in scheduler/archive folder
Changeset 959
April 10, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
LMS Provider: Own AccessDenied Page
Changeset 942 (938-942)
February 24, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Moved cache option (terracotta, default) to delos.properties
Added some Aspects (Logging)
Use DataServices in ServicesImpls
Implement Restart Recording of stream if failed
Re-organize some classes in packages/li>
Implement Check if stream is alive and if stream is recorded in live search page
Add Property to enable/disable Scheduler: delos.properties
Move Scheduler Cron String to Properties: delos.properties
Add Wowza Segmentation duration to Properties: wowza.properties
Changeset 936 (931-936)
February 24, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Re-Design IrmRepository
Use DataServices
Moved All Queries to IrmQueries Class
Implemented CheckLiveStatus funcationality
Few code improvements
Changeset 925 (921-925)
February 9, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Move WowzaProperties (user,password,port) to Institution Settings
Fix Start/Stop streams to load WowzaProperties
InitService (Scheduler) startup fix
Create 'today' collection ifNotExist
Some Cleanup
Changeset 920
February 6, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Introducing DataServices, MarshallerServices
Minor alertify bug in saMessages
Some Cleanup
Changeset 918 (914-918)
February 2, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Added USE_QUARTZ in wowza.properties
Quartz Scheduler: Set Stop Stream 10 seconds earlier to accommodate same stream start at same time
Bug Fix: Add Speaker or create live entry function
Quartz Scheduler: Added a delay before checking if stream has started
Some Cleanup
Changeset 912 (911-912)
January 31, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Place Wowza Properties in wowza.properties file
Quartz Scheduler Update [ disabled by default ]
Added LogViewer Functionality / Page
Some Cleanup
Changeset 904 (895-904) - wowzaChange
January 26, 2017
Bug Fixes - Improvements
Bug Fix: Real Editing - Real Editing Approve replacement error
Bug Fix: Resource Editor - Video Replace: Ignore 500 milliseconds on Video Replace